Senior actor Yatin Karyekar, whom we have seen in shows like Shanti, Ghar Ki Lakshmi Betiyaan and Bollywood blockbusters like Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak, Munna Bhai MBBS, is soon to be seen in an episodic of Life OK's Savdhaan India-India Fights Back.
Sources say that the upcoming episode of Mumbai special Savdhaan India-India Fights Back will be produced by Saregama. This particular episode will focus around a Mumbai based play director Deepak Kulkarni who gets cheated by a Nigerian group. However, he will not give up and decides to fight back.
On being contacted, Yatin said, "It's a very nice story and I am happy to be a part of it. The best part is that it has been shot very nicely on some of the authentic location of Mumbai. I had a great time shooting for it. "
Sources say that the upcoming episode of Mumbai special Savdhaan India-India Fights Back will be produced by Saregama. This particular episode will focus around a Mumbai based play director Deepak Kulkarni who gets cheated by a Nigerian group. However, he will not give up and decides to fight back.
On being contacted, Yatin said, "It's a very nice story and I am happy to be a part of it. The best part is that it has been shot very nicely on some of the authentic location of Mumbai. I had a great time shooting for it. "